
  • Academies & FE Colleges - Refresher and Update

    3 hrs
    This seminar will provide a comprehensive refresher and update for those working in the education sector or acting for Academy or FE college clients
    From £80.00
    Online 02 Jul
  • Academy Accounts and Audit - The Fundamentals

    3 hours
    This practical session will provide a comprehensive beginner’s guide to compiling financial statements using the SORP and the Accounting Direction and to all the key audit and regularity tests that would be needed.
    From £80.00
    Online 09 Jul
  • Accounting for and Auditing Construction Contracts

    3 hrs
    This seminar will provide a greater understanding of how to navigate some of the complexity when accounting for and auditing construction contracts
    From £80.00
    Online 25 Jun
  • Accounting for and Auditing Financial Instruments

    90 mins
    Although financial instrument issues (such as hedge accounting) can be complex, even apparently straightforward loans and investments can be problematic in practice
    From £40.00
    Online 27 Nov
  • Accounting for and Auditing LLPs

    3 hrs
    This seminar will navigate you through all the changes and highlight common problem areas faced by accountants and auditors acting for LLP clients
    From £80.00
    Online 07 May
  • Accounting for Groups

    3 hrs
    This seminar will provide a comprehensive refresher on the mechanics, and deal with a range of practical issues faced by accountants preparing group financial statements under UK GAAP
    From £80.00
    Online 21 May
  • Autumn Financial Reporting Update

    3 hrs
    The update will cover all the latest changes to UK GAAP, new FRC and ICAEW guidance, and news from Companies House
    From £60.00
    Online 13 Oct
  • Charities Update

    3 hrs
    This course will provide a practical insight into current hot topics in financial reporting, independent examination and audit for charities
    From £60.00
    Online 07 Mar
  • Charity Accounts and Audit - The Fundamentals

    3 hrs
    This course will provide a detailed insight into the reporting framework for charities, including requirements for audit and independent examination
    From £60.00
    Online 04 Mar
  • Ethics for Accountants and Auditors

    90 mins
    This course will cover all the important requirements, with a particular focus on practical problems and how to resolve them
    From £40.00
    Online 22 Oct
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