Dealing with Difficult Situations and Conflict

This seminar will cover different ways people respond to conflict and how to handle common difficult situations
  • 29
    1 hour, Tue 1:00 PM BST - Tue 2:00 PM BST
    • £30.00 excl. VAT

Want to run this event in-house? Enquire about running this event in-house

Conflict and disagreement often feels uncomfortable, and many seek to avoid it. This can result in a lack of challenge, hindering open discussion and the development of professional scepticism. Topics covered will include:

  • What conflict is and different ways people respond to it
  • The benefits of embracing challenge in a professional environment
  • What inhibits individuals in assertively dealing with difficult situations and what to do about it
  • How to handle common difficult situations and conflicts.

Difficult situations